The SSV Keys SDK enable users to split a validator key into a predefined threshold of shares via Shamir-Secret-Sharing (SSS), and encrypts them with a set of operator keys.

In addition to the generation of shares, the tool also uses the validator key to sign the validator’s owner address and his registration nonce to ensure that only the legitimate owner of the validator can register it to the network.

The shares and the signature are constructed as sharesData which is used during validator registration through the SSV smart contract in order to facilitate their distribution from stakers to operators.

Please note that shares can be shared publicly since only assigned operators are able to decrypt them.


The SSV Keys library is distributed as a Javascript package, and it can be directly installed with the npm command (or yarn, if you prefer) using the repository's URL:

npm i

The library is not yet maintained in a stable manner on so for the time being, it is advised to use repository's URL, until this documentation page is updated to indicate otherwise.

Import library

The two main components of the ssv-keys library are the SSVKeys and KeyShares objects. Once the library has been installed, they can be imported like so:

const { SSVKeys, KeyShares, KeySharesItem, SSVKeysException } = require('ssv-keys');


Using the ssv-keys SDK can be simply summarized in 3 steps:

  1. Reading the keystore file (validator set of keys), to extract public and private keys.

  2. Build the keyshares configuration, given the chosen operators to which the validator will be distributed.

  3. Build the payload for the web3 transaction, and add it to the newly created keyshare file.

A requirement for splitting the keys of a validator, is to know the validator key owner's nonce (how many times this address has called the registerValidator() function of the SSV contract) and their address.

These can be obtained via the SSV Subgraph, or the SSV Scanner tool

Required Inputs

To generate keyshares using this tool we need a number of inputs as prerequisites.

Input parameterDescriptionExample

Operator Keys

List of operator public keys to register the validator to.

["LS0tLS1CRUdJTi...", "LS0tLS1CRUdJTi...", "LS0tLS1CRUdJTi...", "LS0tLS1CRUdJTi..."]

Operator IDs

List of operator IDs to register the validator to.

[12, 34, 56, 78]

Keystore file

Validator keystore filed create when generating the validator. You must provide the path to this.


Keystore Password

Password for the attached keystore file.


Owner Address

Address of the validator Owner. (Wallet you used to login on the webapp).


Owner Nonce

Nonce of the validator Owner. (Wallet you used to login on the webapp). This can be obtained by using the SSV Subgraph, or the SSV Scanner SDK.



Here's an example highlighting the 4 steps described above:

const { SSVKeys, KeyShares, KeySharesItem, SSVKeysException } = require('ssv-keys');
const path = require('path');
const fsp = require('fs').promises;

// These would probably come from your DApp
const operatorKeys = ["LS0tLS1CRUdJTi...", "LS0tLS1CRUdJTi...", "LS0tLS1CRUdJTi...", "LS0tLS1CRUdJTi..."];
const operatorIds = [12, 34, 56, 78];
// These can be either provided by the user (Staking-as-a-Service) or auto-generated (Staking Pool)
const keystore = require('./path-to-keystore.json');
const keystorePassword = 'XYZ';

// The nonce of the owner within the SSV contract (increments after each validator registration), obtained using the ssv-scanner tool
// The cluster owner address
const TEST_OWNER_ADDRESS = '0x81592c3de184a3e2c0dcb5a261bc107bfa91f494';

const getKeySharesFilePath = () => {
  return `${path.join(process.cwd(), 'data')}${path.sep}keyshares.json`;

 * This is more complex example demonstrating usage of SSVKeys SDK together with
 * KeyShares file which can be useful in a different flows for solo staker, staking provider or web developer.
async function main() {
  // 1. Initialize SSVKeys SDK and read the keystore file
  const ssvKeys = new SSVKeys();
  const { publicKey, privateKey } = await ssvKeys.extractKeys(keystore, keystorePassword);

  const operators =, index) => ({
    id: operatorIds[index],
  // 2. Build shares from operator IDs and public keys
  const encryptedShares = await ssvKeys.buildShares(privateKey, operators);
  const keySharesItem = new KeySharesItem();
  await fsp.writeFile(getKeySharesFilePath(1), keySharesItem.toJson(), { encoding: 'utf-8' });
  await keySharesItem.update({ operators });
  await fsp.writeFile(getKeySharesFilePath(2), keySharesItem.toJson(), { encoding: 'utf-8' });
  await keySharesItem.update({ ownerAddress: TEST_OWNER_ADDRESS, ownerNonce: TEST_OWNER_NONCE, publicKey });
  await fsp.writeFile(getKeySharesFilePath(3), keySharesItem.toJson(), { encoding: 'utf-8' });

  // 3. Build final web3 transaction payload and update keyshares file with payload data
  await keySharesItem.buildPayload({
  }, {
    ownerAddress: TEST_OWNER_ADDRESS,
    ownerNonce: TEST_OWNER_NONCE,

  const keyShares = new KeyShares();

  // Most times, you'd want to save the result in a file
  await fsp.writeFile(getKeySharesFilePath(4), keyShares.toJson(), { encoding: 'utf-8' });

void main();

Here's an example of the printed output:

  "version": "v1.0.10",
  "createdAt": "2024-01-30T16:39:04.028Z",
  "shares": [
      "data": {
        "ownerNonce": 22,
        "ownerAddress": "0xaA184b86B4cdb747F4A3BF6e6FCd5e27c1d92c5c",
        "publicKey": "0xa6f245cab776aa282e268fc1e8c2896f149985bb1851846a37c7d0d001374905551c2871d4504fe88b5b0adc68db6a8f",
        "operators": [
            "id": 1,
            "id": 2,
            "id": 3,
            "id": 4,
      "payload": {
        "publicKey": "0xa6f245cab776aa282e268fc1e8c2896f149985bb1851846a37c7d0d001374905551c2871d4504fe88b5b0adc68db6a8f",
        "operatorIds": [
        "sharesData": "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"


Thanks to the ssv-keys, it's possible to programmatically split a set of validator keys into key-shares, which can be then given to the operators assigned to run the distributed validator.

This is the foundation for building complex products like Staking Services or Staking Pools on top of SSV.

It's important to note, that to generate multiple keyshares, developers should simply use the example above as a reference, and instead of processing one single keystore file at a time, write a simple loop that will iterate over multiple files, generate keyshares, and finally write all the generated keyshares into a single file with the format described above.

Last updated