
This page is a collection of common warnings, error messages, statuses and other unexpected behaviours you might encounter and the possible related known causes.

failed to create beacon go-client

FATAL	failed to create beacon go-client	{"error": "failed to create http client: failed to confirm node connection: failed to fetch genesis: failed to request genesis: failed to call GET endpoint: Get \"\": context deadline exceeded", "errorVerbose":…………….\nfailed to create http client", "address": ""}

This is likely due to issues with the Beacon layer Node. Verify that BeaconNodeAddr has the correct address and port in config.yaml configuration file.

could not connect to execution client

FATAL	could not connect to execution client	{"error": "failed to connect to execution client: dial tcp i/o timeout"}

This is likely due to issues with the Execution layer Node. Verify that ETH1Addr has the correct address and port in config.yaml configuration file.

Finally, make sure that your ETH1 endpoint is running using Websocket. This is required in order to stream events from the network contracts.

could not setup operator private key

FATAL	could not setup operator private key	{"error": "Operator private key is not matching the one encrypted the storage", "errorVerbose": ...{

Verify that the Operator Private Key is correctly set in config.yaml configuration file. In particular, if using unencrypted (raw) keys, that the private (secret) key was copied in the configuration file and that it contains all characters (sometimes it contains a = character that can easily be left out).

If the node has been stopped and restart, verify that the same configuration has been applied, that the private key has not been changed, and that the db.Path configuration points to the same directory as before.

could not setup network

FATAL	could not setup network	{"error": "network not supported: jatov2"}

In the example above, the Network in config.yaml configuration file was wrongly set to jatov2 instead of jato-v2, so be sure to look for thinks like spelling mistakes.

could not create loggerlogging.SetGlobalLogger

could not create loggerlogging.SetGlobalLogger: unrecognized level: "infor"
make: *** [Makefile:97: start-node] Error 1

In the example above, the LogLevel variable in config.yaml configuration file was wrongly set to infor instead of info, so be sure to look for thinks like spelling mistakes.

Node Metrics not showing up in Prometheus/Grafana

Please verify that the MetricsAPIPort variable is correctly set in config.yaml configuration file.

For a more in-depth guide on how to set up Node monitoring, refer to the dedicated page in this section.

Node does not generate a log file

Please verify that the LogFilePath variable is correctly set in config.yaml configuration file. Be sure to look for thinks like spelling mistakes.

Node takes a long time to become active

Please verify that the Path under the db section is correctly set in config.yaml configuration file. Be sure to look for thinks like spelling mistakes.

If the Node was working correctly and becomes inactive after a configuration change, make sure that Path wasn't accidentally changed. This will cause the database to be recostructed and will lead to a slower startup.

“port 13000 already running”

This could happen if you run both consensus node and SSV node on the same machine - please make sure to change your SSV node port to any other port. Refer to the p2p section of the installation guide for details.

After updating your port, please restart the SSV node and confirm the error does not appear.

failed to check address

{"level":"debug","time":"2021-12-13T06:45:24.529069Z","caller":"p2p/discovery.go:56","message":"","app":"SSV-Node:v0.1.7","component":"p2p","id":"16Uiu2HAmQYHdvGW2rtCejsz3BCNJsoBWpD9Kd2NuZWRgGggkKg4h","addr":"","err":"IP address is not accessible: dial tcp i/o timeout"}

Port 13000 is closed - please make sure it is open (on both docker and machine level) and restart your node.

For confirmation, you should see "Address was checked successfully" message.

"no indices, duties won’t be fetched" message

This could be due to one of the following causes:

  1. No validator has chosen your operator as one of its operators (for testing purposes you can always open one and select yourself as one of its managing operators).

  2. Your node uses a different operator public key than the one you have registered to the network (using the SSV webapp).

Steps to confirm you use the same key:

  1. Find the operator key that you have registered to the network in the ssv explorer.

  2. Find the operator public key you have generated in your node during setup.

  3. Compare between the keys - if they do not match you must update your private key in the node config.yaml file, according to the key generated during your node installation.

{"level":"info","time":"2021-12-13T06:45:14.466457Z","caller":"operator/storage.go:122","message":"setup operator privateKey is DONE!","app":"SSV-Node:v0.1.7","who":"operatorKeys","public-key":"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"}

Didn't find the answer you are looking for? Reach out to other network operators on our Discord channel

Last updated