Node Configuration Reference
The table below represents the reference for every Node configuration option available.
The following configuration options are intended for advanced users with a deep understanding of their impact.
The parameters used in the Automatic Installation guide and Manual Installation guide should serve the vast majority of users.
Please exercise extreme care and discretion when modifying these settings, as any incorrect changes may result in unintended consequences or system instability.
YAML | ENV | Default | Description |
global | |||
global.LogLevel | LOG_LEVEL | info | Defines logger's log level' |
global.LogFormat | LOG_FORMAT | console | Defines logger's encoding, valid values are 'json' (default) and 'console'' |
global.LogLevelFormat | LOG_LEVEL_FORMAT | capitalColor | Defines logger's level format, valid values are 'capitalColor' (default), 'capital' or 'lowercase'' |
global.LogFileBackups | LOG_FILE_BACKUPS | 3 | Defines of log files preserved, 500MB each (roughly equivalent to half a day each, but heavily dependant on number of validators and other factors). |
global.LogFilePath | LOG_FILE_PATH | ./data/debug.log | Defines a file path to write logs into |
db | |||
db.Path | DB_PATH | ./data/db | Path for storage |
db.Reporting | DB_REPORTING | FALSE | Flag to run on-off db size reporting |
db.GCInterval | DB_GC_INTERVAL | 6m | Interval between garbage collection cycles. Set to 0 to disable. |
ssv | |||
ssv.Network | NETWORK | mainnet | Network is the network of this node |
ssv.ValidatorOptions | |||
ssv.ValidatorOptions.SignatureCollectionTimeout | SIGNATURE_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT | 5s | Timeout for signature collection after consensus |
ssv.ValidatorOptions.MetadataUpdateInterval | METADATA_UPDATE_INTERVAL | 12m | Interval for updating metadata |
ssv.ValidatorOptions.HistorySyncBatchSize | HISTORY_SYNC_BATCH_SIZE | 25 | Maximum number of messages to sync in a single batch |
ssv.ValidatorOptions.MinimumPeers | MINIMUM_PEERS | 2 | The required minimum peers for sync |
ssv.ValidatorOptions.FullNode | FULLNODE | FALSE | Save decided history rather than just highest messages |
ssv.ValidatorOptions.Exporter | EXPORTER | FALSE | |
ssv.ValidatorOptions.MsgWorkersCount | MSG_WORKERS_COUNT | 256 | Number of goroutines to use for message workers |
ssv.ValidatorOptions.MsgWorkerBufferSize | MSG_WORKER_BUFFER_SIZE | 1024 | Buffer size for message workers |
eth1 | |||
eth1.ETH1Addr | ETH_1_ADDR | Execution client WebSocket address. Supports multiple endpoints separated by a ; | |
eth1.ETH1ConnectionTimeout | ETH_1_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 10s | Execution client connection timeout |
eth2 | |||
eth2.BeaconNodeAddr | BEACON_NODE_ADDR | Consensus/Beacon client HTTP address. Supports multiple endpoints separated by a ; | |
p2p | |||
p2p.Bootnodes | BOOTNODES | Bootnodes to use to start discovery, seperated with ' | |
p2p.Discovery | P2P_DISCOVERY | discv5 | Discovery system to use |
p2p.TcpPort | TCP_PORT | 13001 | TCP port for p2p transport |
p2p.UdpPort | UDP_PORT | 12001 | UDP port for discovery |
p2p.HostAddress | HOST_ADDRESS | External ip node is exposed for discovery | |
p2p.HostDNS | HOST_DNS | External DNS node is exposed for discovery | |
p2p.RequestTimeout | P2P_REQUEST_TIMEOUT | 10s | |
p2p.MaxBatchResponse | P2P_MAX_BATCH_RESPONSE | 25 | Maximum number of returned objects in a batch |
p2p.MaxPeers | P2P_MAX_PEERS | 60 | Connected peers limit for connections |
p2p.TopicMaxPeers | P2P_TOPIC_MAX_PEERS | 10 | Connected peers limit per pubsub topic |
p2p.Subnets | SUBNETS | Hex string that represents the subnets that this node will join upon start | |
p2p.PubSubScoring | PUBSUB_SCORING | TRUE | Flag to turn on/off pubsub scoring |
p2p.PubSubTrace | PUBSUB_TRACE | Flag to turn on/off pubsub tracing in logs | |
p2p.DiscoveryTrace | DISCOVERY_TRACE | Flag to turn on/off discovery tracing in logs | |
p2p.PubsubMsgCacheTTL | PUBSUB_MSG_CACHE_TTL | How long a message ID will be remembered as seen | |
p2p.PubsubOutQueueSize | PUBSUB_OUT_Q_SIZE | The size that we assign to the outbound pubsub message queue | |
p2p.PubsubValidationQueueSize | PUBSUB_VAL_Q_SIZE | he size that we assign to the pubsub validation queue | |
p2p.PubsubPubsubValidateThrottle | PUBSUB_VAL_THROTTLE | The amount of goroutines used for pubsub msg validation | |
p2p.PermissionedActivateEpoch | PERMISSIONED_ACTIVE_EPOCH | 0 | On which epoch to start only accepting peers that are operators registered in the contract |
p2p.PermissionedDeactivateEpoch | PERMISSIONED_DEACTIVE_EPOCH | 99999999999999 | On which epoch to start accepting operators all peers |
p2p.WhitelistedOperatorKeys | WHITELISTED_KEYS | Operators' keys not registered in the contract with which the node will accept connections | |
KeyStore | |||
KeyStore.PrivateKeyFile | PRIVATE_KEY_FILE | Operator private key file | |
KeyStore.PasswordFile | PASSWORD_FILE | Password for operator private key file decryption | |
OperatorPrivateKey | OPERATOR_KEY | Operator private key, used to decrypt contract events | |
MetricsAPIPort | METRICS_API_PORT | 15000 | Port to listen on for the metrics API. |
EnableProfile | ENABLE_PROFILE | flag that indicates whether go profiling tools are enabled | |
NetworkPrivateKey | NETWORK_PRIVATE_KEY | private key for network identity | |
WebSocketAPIPort | WS_API_PORT | Port to listen on for the websocket API. | |
WithPing | WITH_PING | Whether to send websocket ping messages' | |
SSVAPIPort | SSV_API_PORT | 16000 | Port to listen on for the SSV API. |
LocalEventsPath | EVENTS_PATH | path to local events | |
Graffiti | GRAFFITI | | Custom graffiti for block proposals |