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DKG tool commands and configuration

The ssv-dkg tool can be utilized as a docker image (preferrable), or as a compiled Go binary. Additionally, in both cases, the tool accepts configuration input via a YAML file, or as command line flags. The sections below detail which commands are available, how to provide configuration input for them, and how to run the tool as a docker image, or as a compiled binary.


Note: For more details on operatorsInfoPath parameter, refer to the page dedicated to Operators data

Available options

The ssv-dkg tool provides 3 main functionalities, detailed in the following pages:

  • Generate new Key Shares
  • Re-generate Key Shares with a different operator set
  • Re-generate the signature of Key Shares through the same operator set (changing owner, nonce) Additional option, only for SSV node operators, treated in the related section:
  • Start the DKG server In order to provide these features, the following options are available:
  • init - initiates a DKG ceremony to generate new Key Shares and a new validator pubkey
  • generate-reshare-msg - generates a message with the content of a proofs.json file from a past ceremony, that needs to be signed by the owner used in that ceremony, in order for a reshare ceremony to take place
  • reshare - initiates a DKG ceremony to re-generate Key Shares involving a different operator set
  • generate-resign-msg - generates a message with the content of a proofs.json file from a past ceremony, that needs to be signed by the owner used in that ceremony, in order for a resignceremony to take place
  • resign - initiates a DKG ceremony to re-generate the signature portion of existing Key Shares, providing the ability to generate Key Shares for the same validator public key, for a different owner, or adjusting the nonce for the same owner

Configuration input

As previously mentioned, the user can provide input to the tool either through a config file, or through a a series of command line flags.

All of the necessary configuration information can be provided in a YAML file (referenced as config.yaml from now on). With this setup, a typical configuration file would look like this:

validators: 10 # amount of validators to generate (nonce incrementing by 1) (default: 1)
operatorIDs: [1, 2, 3, 4] # array of Operator IDs which will be used for a DKG ceremony
withdrawAddress: <WITHDRAW_ADDRESS> # address where reward payments for the validator are sent
owner: <OWNER_ADDRESS> # address of owner of the Cluster that will manage the validator on
nonce: 0 # owner nonce for the SSV contract (default: 0)
tlsInsecure: true # skips the check for the operator's TLS certificate from a trusted third party
network: "holesky" # network name (default: mainnet)
operatorsInfo: '[{"id": 1,"public_key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0....","ip": "https://localhost:3030"}, {"id": 2,"public_key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0....","ip": "http://localhost:3030"},...]' # raw content of the JSON file with operators information
# Alternatively:
# operatorsInfoPath: /data/initiator/operators_info.json
outputPath: ./data/output # path to store the resulting staking deposit and ssv contract payload files
logLevel: info # logger's log level (default: debug)
logFormat: json # logger's encoding (default: json)
logLevelFormat: capitalColor # logger's level format (default: capitalColor)
logFilePath: ./data/debug.log # path to file where logs should be written (default: ./data/debug.log)
clientCACertPath: ./data/tls.crt # path where the client stores the public certificate to verify the server's TLS signature (skipped if tlsInsecure is enabled)

If using Docker, in the config file above, /ssv-dkg/data/ represents the container's shared volume created by the docker command itself with the -v option.

A special note goes to the nonce field, which represents how many validators the address identified in the owner parameter has already registered to the You can keep track of this counter yourself, or you can use the Subgraph made available by the SSV team to source it.

Additional flags for generate-resign-msg option:

In addition to all of the flags above, the generate-resign-msg option requires one additional piece of information, which can be provided by two alternative configuration parameters: Note: you need to provide one, or the other, not both options.

# All previous config options are accepted, and should be included, if they are mandatory
# ...
proofsFilePath: ./data/output/ceremony-2024-10-30--10-08-19.405/proofs.json # path to the proofs file from the previous ceremony where the keyshares were generated
# Alternatively, the content of the file can be provided, instead:
proofsString: [{"proof":{"validator":"98e6f212e...","encrypted_share":"3762252c476e6ab...","share_pub":"b80a42d...","owner":"aa184b86..."},"signature":"56b6628cc0..."}]

Additional flags for resign option:

In addition to all of the flags above, the resign and option require an additional parameter:

# All previous config options are accepted, and should be included, if they are mandatory
# ...
signatures: 011886aa25a07bbd9cb64e50e3237f98a6ecabad6f448bc9c4736ccebcacb45c56ecac273b076a5d0b1f19619bf808741dff2d8019c728e16a953d3a0b5ff4771b

Additional flags for generate-reshare-msg option:

Similarly to generate-resign-msg, this command option requires information about the proofs.json file, which can be provided in two alternative ways. In addition to this, the generate-reshare-msg option requires an additional configuration, related to the IDs of the operators that need to generate the new shares:

# All previous config options are accepted, and should be included, if they are mandatory
# ...
proofsFilePath: ./data/output/ceremony-2024-10-30--10-08-19.405/proofs.json # path to the proofs file from the previous ceremony where the keyshares were generated
# Alternatively, the content of the file can be provided, instead:
proofsString: [{"proof":{"validator":"98e6f212e...","encrypted_share":"3762252c476e6ab...","share_pub":"b80a42d...","owner":"aa184b86..."},"signature":"56b6628cc0..."}]
newOperatorIDs: [5, 6, 7, 8] # array of new operator IDs for resharing ceremony

Additional flags for reshare option:

In addition to all of the flags above, the reshare option require an additional parameter:

# All previous config options are accepted, and should be included, if they are mandatory
# ...
signatures: 011886aa25a07bbd9cb64e50e3237f98a6ecabad6f448bc9c4736ccebcacb45c56ecac273b076a5d0b1f19619bf808741dff2d8019c728e16a953d3a0b5ff4771b

The ssv-dkg tool only allows to reference local paths, for security reasons. So it is not possible to reference files or folders located in / or any other folder under root that it's not the current scope.


Caution for Windows Users Due to Windows operating system's limitation on handling file paths exceeding 260 characters, please verify the length of output file paths to avoid potential issues, as this could render them inaccessible.

Choosing how to launch the tool


It is advised launching the tool as a Docker image as it is the most convenient way and only requires to have Docker installed. The team builds a Docker image with every release of the tool.

The docker image for the ssv-dkg tool is tagged as ssvlabs/ssv-dkg. The tool will write its output to a local folder in the container, so for convenience, to be able to export the output, a volume referencing a folder of the host has to be mounted using the -v parameter. If a config file is used, the mounted volume (or volumes) will have to reference the file as well. For instance, if the current folder has this structure:

ssv@localhost:~/ssv-dkg # tree .
├── config.yaml
└── operators_info.json
1 directory, 2 files

Then the following command to run the reshare option with a config file:

docker run --rm -v ${pwd}:/ssv-dkg/data/ -it "ssvlabs/ssv-dkg:latest" reshare --configPath ./data/config/config.yaml

Will mount the current folder to the /ssv-dkg/data/ folder of the container, so the --configPath is able to reference the config.yaml file, located in the config subfolder. You can, of course, change the configuration to one that suits you better, just be mindful about changing the path references in the docker command and in the config.yaml file as well. Alternatively, the tool can be launched providing the appropriate values to each configuration item via command line flag. Here's an example of a command to launch the init option:

docker run --rm -v ${pwd}:/ssv-dkg/data/ -it "ssvlabs/ssv-dkg:latest" init \
--owner &#x3C;OWNER_ADDRESS> \
--nonce &#x3C;OWNER_NONCE> \
<strong> --withdrawAddress &#x3C;WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS> \
</strong> --operatorIDs &#x3C;OPERATOR_IDS_LIST> \
--operatorsInfo "[{\"id\":121,\"public_key\":\"LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0Eg...}]" \
--network holesky \
--tlsInsecure \
--validators 1 \
--logFilePath ./data/debug.log \
--outputPath ./data