
[ERROR] dial tcp timeout
2023-10-11T16:36:26.745937Z     FATAL   dkg-initiator   😥 Failed to initiate DKG ceremony:     {"error": "Post \"\": dial tcp i/o timeout"}

When this error appears, it means that the ssv-dkg tool cannot connect to one of the selected operators.

This could be temporary, but if it persists, we recommend changing one of the operators.

[ERROR] invalid URI for request
2023-10-11T16:29:47.226138Z     FATAL   dkg-initiator   😥 Failed to load operators:    {"error": "invalid operator URL parse \"\": invalid URI for request"}

When this error appears, it means that the endpoint information for one of the operators is incorrect.

You could manually verify the operators_info.json or the initiator command generated by the webapp, or simply change one of the operators.

[ERROR] connection refused
2023-10-13T15:21:54.597429Z     FATAL   dkg-initiator   😥 Failed to initiate DKG ceremony:     {"error": "Post \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"}

When this error appears, it means that the ssv-dkg tool cannot connect to one of the selected operators, and the reason could be because their ssv-dkg operator node has shut down.

This could be temporary, as they will likely start the node again, but if it persists, we recommend changing one of the operators.

[ERROR] Please provide either operator info string or path
2023-10-18T12:14:52.667985Z     FATAL   dkg-initiator   😥 Please provide either operator info string or path, not both

This error appears when the operatorsInfo argument has been used in conjunction with the operatorsInfoPath. These options are mutually exclusive, so please remove one or the other from your YAML config file, or from the command used to launch the initiator.

Last updated

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